July Book Review


July has flown by! I can’t believe summer is coming to an end! I have 4 books for you this month and hope you find one that suits your mood!

I kicked the month off with Much Ado About You by Samantha young which was #adorable!
We meet Evie when she is feeling hopeful—she's finally met a guy with which a relationship seems like it could work AND she is the shoe-in for a promotion that has just opened up at work. But then…neither the guy nor the the job pan out. She decides to escape her Chicago life and spend a whole month in a quaint village in England where she gets to manage a book store while staying above it in the rental apartment. She loves her time there—loves managing the bookstore and loves the townspeople that she develops fast friendships with. In particular, she enjoys Roane, a handsome farmer who she tries hard to keep in the friend zone because vacation romances never end well. But can she do it????
Fave quote- “I don’t want you, or anyone, to wake up in ten, twenty years’ time and wonder what could have been. Such benign little words—‘what if.’ But at some point in life, those two words become the scariest two words in the English language.”

Next up was Malibu Rising by one of my favorite authors, Taylor Jenkis Reid.
If you haven’t read One True Loves or The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, stop what you are doing and #addtocart immediately! So…obviously my expectations were high for this one and TJR delivered! This book goes back and forth between the 1950s with Mick Riva- a successful musician, his wife June, and their children, to the 1980s which focuses on the 4 children. There is love, heartbreak, tragedy, self discovery, success, failure, inner strength, etc…but above all there is an unbreakable bond between 4 children that have lived tough lives and are stronger because of it.
The party at the end did get a bit out of control (more so than necessary, in my opinion) but the ending of the book was perfect. Can’t wait to hear what you all think of this one!

Sold on a Monday by Kristina McMorris is a must read if you are a fan of historical fiction. This book is set during the depression. Times are tough and people will do things they would have previously never fathomed in order to meet basic needs, including selling their children. We meet a young news reporter, Ellis, who is searching for a story that will let him keep his job. He notices a sign outside a house where 2 children are playing that notes that the children are for sale. He snaps a photo and heads back to work to develop it. In the meantime he starts to question whether using these children’s misfortune to earn a buck for himself is his ethically wrong. The photo does end up getting published you get to read about the fallout of that one news article. This story is heartbreaking but hopeful. It is worth noting that in the Author’s Note following the story, McMorris explains that she got the idea for the book when she came across a similar photo. This is a fictional story of one of numerous circumstances that could have caused someone to put out that sign and what could possibly have happened after. This is a great book. Put it on your To Be Read list asap!

I closed out the month with Float Plan by Trish Doller. Loved it! Anna is surviving life post the suicide of her boyfriend. It’s been 10 months since she lost him and she is having trouble moving forward. She and Ben had planned a trip sailing around the world…had all the dates and stops planned out. So, when the date that they were supposed to depart arrives, she decides to take the trip alone. After the first leg is more difficult than expected, Anna decides to hire someone to help her complete the trip. In walks Keen. Keen has suffered tragedy of his own and is in a sense married to the sea. We see the relationship develop and it is very sweet. I loved the people they meet at different stops on the trip and how welcoming and happy everyone seemed. This book is a quick read that you are sure to enjoy!

That’s it! Share your thoughts in the comments!

See all of the books I’ve read so far in 2021 here and those I read in 2020 here!

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